Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with
it and then move on. ~Bob Newhart
My day pretty much begins the same as most every other day.
The hustle and bustle of the busy city street which runs
past my house slowly comes to life as children playfully jump about on
the corner (I.e. make fun of the smallest kid while pummeling him with rocks) as they wait
for the school bus.
It’s a nice little slice of Americana…with the exception
of screams and bangs from, what sounds like, violent sexual activity, involving
machinery, emanating from the house occupied by a 25-year old woman who lives
next door to me. Meanwhile the dogs,
belonging to the neighbor on my left, bark uncontrollably.
It’s sort of reminiscent of the movie, Groundhog Day;
only instead of the Sonny and Cher song blaring from the alarm clock, it sounds
as though I’m sitting in the middle of a hardcore porno production…which is being
filmed inside an animal shelter…or Michael Vick’s backyard.
In retrospect, today was supposed to be a pretty simple
Give Michelle a lift to work
Take a nap
Finish editing two pages of a writing project for a friend
Watch TV
A short conference call with a director of national sales/promotion
Watch TV
Take a nap
Think about writing a book chapterGo watch Jack (Michelle’s 12-year old) at football practice
Scrap plans for writing a book chapter
Give Michelle a lift home from work
Michelle is like many people…slow to wake. So, she sets her alarm slightly earlier than
she actually needs to be up and at it so as not to be late. By slightly earlier, I mean that she sets her
alarm to go off on the previous Tuesday at 3am so that she might wake up at
6:15am on Wednesday of the following week. (After hitting the snooze button
approximately 75 times.)
It was a quiet drive this morning, with the exception of
a Lil’ Wayne song roaring at the volume level as that of a military aircraft engine.
When we finally arrived to Michelle’s place of employment,
I was reminded, and slightly envious, of pleasantries that are typically
exchanged between average couples at the end of the car pooling experience:
Man: “Love you” (quick
Woman: “Okay, see
ya’ later today”
Man: “Have a nice
day sweetie…you think we can have sex later?”
Woman: (Blank
Man: Can I borrow
Not me and Michelle.
Instead, she exited the car and dropped the following bomb:
the kids are outta school today and the sitter can’t make it…can you watch them?”
Fully aware that if she’d asked this question three minutes
earlier, while I was driving, I would likely have veered the vehicle into oncoming
traffic, killing us both instantly. So,
she appropriately waited until she was completely and safely four feet from the
Watching the 6 and 12-year old can be slightly
challenging in that they have more energy than your average kids**
**Pronounced AD/HD
and an apparent crack cocaine addiction
In order to watch Jackson and Lucien, one must possess
certain basic skills:
- Cooking healthy, balanced meals (9 times per day)
- The ability to do laundry as though one works for housekeeping at the Hilton hotel
- Washing dishes 30 times per day
- Calmly answering no fewer than 725-thousand questions
- A direct and personal contact hot line to the national poison control center
- Strong organizational skills
- Haz-Mat first responder certification
- Emergency field surgical training
- District attorney cross-examination skills in order to fully and accurately complete an investigation into actions which result in moderate destruction to the entire back quadrant of the house.
Upon pulling into the driveway back at the house, I took
a deep breath and prioritized a day which would now include looking after two
kids, 3 cats and a dog. Realizing that
this would likely be more than one person could juggle alone, I formulated a solid
game plan; I decided to bring our neighbor, Glen, into action.
Aside from a few minor glitches when Glen and I watched
the kids on Mardi Gras Day (See archives at the following link):
Glen and I work well together in watching the children. The word “child endangerment” only came up once during that episode and Michelle finally began talking to me again a week later. So, I feel that our field trip went fairly well.
Glen and I work well together in watching the children. The word “child endangerment” only came up once during that episode and Michelle finally began talking to me again a week later. So, I feel that our field trip went fairly well.
Glen is an animated and energetic individual who works as
a fashion industry makeup artist.*
**Translation: He
drinks champagne and wine with 79-pound models all day at work, eats very little and says
“fabulous” a lot.
I lightly tapped on Glen’s door to enlist his assistance
for the day.
Me: Hey, I need
your help for a little while today with the kids so I can do a conference call
and some writing.
Glen: I thought we
weren’t allowed to watch the kids anymore; plus we lost the kids for 30-minutes that day.
Me: No one got
hurt and we eventually found the kids…so I think we’re still allowed to watch them.
Glen: I ended up in
a first aid tent on Canal Street with a panic attack during Mardi Gras.
Me: Yes, but the
fact that the KIDS didn’t end up in the first aid tent means we’re in the
clear. Can you help?
Before opening the front door to my house, I stared Glen
down with my best poker face and assured that this should be a piece of cake.
That is, until I actually opened the door, revealing,
Scrappy, the dog, tied to a skateboard and the kitchen table by his front and
rear leg. He was also covered, as was the 6-year old, with Michelle's body glitter.
Pook, the 200-year old cat, lay under the table, all four paws completely tied with brilliantly colored Mardi Gras beads. It was at this moment where I felt that I was trapped inside of a nightmare from which I could not awake...or a bizarre Lady Gaga music video.
Standing before us was the 6-year old, wearing a wig, his
mother’s dress and high heels proudly announcing: Pook, the 200-year old cat, lay under the table, all four paws completely tied with brilliantly colored Mardi Gras beads. It was at this moment where I felt that I was trapped inside of a nightmare from which I could not awake...or a bizarre Lady Gaga music video.
a GIRL!!”
Me: Shut up.
In the background, I spotted the 12-year old, Jack, who
lay, passed out asleep, on the couch with the television blaring an “R-rated”
movie and a trail of potato chips scattered across the floor.
I quickly and forcibly grabbed Glen by the shirt as he
tried to leave.
First order of business…provide trauma counselling to the animals, then feed the kids and administer
AD/HD medication to the youngest child.
As I scrambled to gather my notes for the conference
call, Glen prepared a bowl of cereal for Lucien.
I’ve since learned a valuable lesson…communication is key
when tending to a 6-year old with AD/HD.
Example:- Glen dishes a couple of teaspoons of sugar into the cereal
The oldest kid stumbles into the kitchen and also shovels
a couple of teaspoons of sugar onto the cereal
Finally, I breeze through and sift sugar into the cereal
bowl before serving it.
Behold… the net result…
A child with super-human abilities as that of the Incredible
Hulk…only he doesn’t tirelessly right injustices within the confines of a tired
and predictable television plot line.
Instead, he tosses his mother’s entire jewelry collection, a bag of cat food, a bottle of body wash, a package of crackers, all of the bathroom towels and the cat into the kiddie pool in the front yard just before beating his older brother senseless with a plastic sword.
Keep in mind; he’s still wearing the dress, wig and high heels while my neighbors stare in horror from their front porch.
After grabbing Glen again by the shirt to keep him from
leaving, I administered minor first aid to the oldest kid, Jack, as Glen
exhausted his best efforts to occupy Lucien by inserting a Sponge Bob DVD into
the player. Instead, he tosses his mother’s entire jewelry collection, a bag of cat food, a bottle of body wash, a package of crackers, all of the bathroom towels and the cat into the kiddie pool in the front yard just before beating his older brother senseless with a plastic sword.
Keep in mind; he’s still wearing the dress, wig and high heels while my neighbors stare in horror from their front porch.
As I nervously awaited my conference call, I noticed that
the house had fallen eerily quiet. This
is approximately the moment when I spotted Lucien, fully engrossed in the
Sponge Bob DVD, sipping from a cup that Glen had left on the end table.
Me: Glen...The kid is drinking your orange juice.
Glen: (Heart stopping gasp) That’s NOT orange juice!
I’m no legal expert, but I feel strongly that
accidentally serving a screwdriver to a young child might, in fact, constitute
child endangerment in the state of Louisiana.
Needless to say, I was quite upset with Glen’s reckless
behavior and I let him know about it…primarily because he was stashing vodka and didn’t make a
screwdriver for me.
My favorite time of day while watching the kids is
lunchtime. It’s a period of time where
both kids typically settle down, shoving their faces with food while saying “I hate you” a dozen or so times to one another.
I’ve heard stories of sibling rivalries in my lifetime;
however, Jack and Lucien take it to a level that even Hollywood screenwriters
can’t possibly imagine. Examples: (And,
I’m NOT making this up)
breathing my air Jackson!
ugly just like my butt hole.”“How do you know what your butt hole looks like? Gross!”
talking about my butt hole Jackson!”.
I get rich, I’m gonna buy an entire country and I’m gonna let everyone in the world in it…except for you.
laughing at the TV Jackson!”
"Shut up and eat your food punk!"
looking at my food Jackson or I’m gonna throw it away.”"Shut up and eat your food punk!"
"Then you won't get to eat punk"
"Don't tell me when to eat JACKson!"
Sadly, the list goes on and on and on and on and on. To the point where I find myself wishing to
fall victim to a drive-by drug related shooting.
After Scrappy the dog devoured the briefly unattended
lunch plate, it was finally time for my conference call. I felt pretty good about the household
conference call ambiance, as the kids had finally settled down. I pleaded with Glen to exert extra
precautions in keeping everyone quiet so that I might get through this call
without embarrassment.
Mr. Bentley: As you all know, we’ve stepped up extra promotion and sales efforts in the Mid-south and in the Pacific Northwest. I’d also like to welcome Jim to our weekly call. He will be working closely with our promotions office to cover the Deep South. Welcome Jim…
Me: Thank you. I’m happy to be a part of…
Lucien: I FARTED!!!
silence on the conference call)
Mr. Bentley: Uh…who was that?
Me: We have a pet
McCaw…he sometimes blurts out weird stuff.
Mr. Bentley: (nervous laugh) Oh,
okay. Anyway, as I was saying…
Lucien: I just saw
Mr. Glen’s pee pee. Mr. Glen has a long
pee pee!! (Giggles)
Me: (rapidly disconnecting from the conference call;
glaring at Glen as he appeared from upstairs)
Glen: I had to go
to the bathroom…he picked the lock and came in while I was finishing!
After dispatching a quick explanation email to the
director of national sales, explaining that the house suddenly exploded,
resulting in my conference call disconnection, I figured that a quick nap might
calm my nerves.
I asked Glen to keep a close eye on the 6-year old and
informed him to wake me if anything happened or if he needed assistance. Translation: "I planned to murder Glen if he even THOUGHT about waking me."
I must admit, I’ve never seen a child completely
reconstruct his bedroom…outside on the front lawn. But, upon waking, there it was, complete with
the mattress, lamp, dresser drawers and Scrappy the dog, tied to the flat panel
television base.
On the front porch sat Glen, head tilted all the way
back, snoring, with Lucien nowhere in sight…that is, until I quickly made my way
down the sidewalk around the corner of the house.
A pizza delivery guy strolled toward me with a stack of
pies when I spotted Lucien hanging out of the side door to his SUV.
Delivery Guy: Anyone
order a pizza?
I can fully appreciate that someone who has never had
children might not convey a sense of concern or urgency where these matters are
concerned, but I feel strongly that MY first question would have been:Hey…do you know WHO the 6-year old hanging out of my car window belongs to??
After smacking Glen in the head with a stuffed animal, I
woke him and we began to reconstruct Lucien’s bedroom…safely within the
confines of the house.
It was finally time for football practice…the home
stretch of the day before I was scheduled to retrieve Michelle from work.Taking Lucien out later in the day can be hit or miss as his energy level becomes slightly elevated like many small children.
Nothing out of the ordinary, he simply becomes excited around people and does things which might be a little more than your average adult can effectively manage.
He runs, jumps, hides things, sprays an entire bottle of expensive perfume onto the cat, rakes a 7-foot shelf into the floor with his arms at the grocery store, destroys the floral department, attempts to jump from a balcony, performs factory unauthorized tests as it pertains to the buoyancy of cell phones in mud puddles and challenges the durability of the neighborhood electric and water department grid by activating every single outdoor faucet and indoor light.
Before heading to Jack's football game, Glen and I grabbed a shoulder bag so that we might visit the convenience store near the park to purchase a few refreshments for our outing...Gatorade, snack crackers, peanuts, bubble gum, vodka, orange juice, cigarettes, Valium and bottled water.
At the checkout, Glen and I placed our items on the counter while we waited for Jackson...who, as usual, dumped a basket onto the checkout totaling the approximate down payment amount for a new BMW.
As we watched the game, Lucien played with the other 6-year olds on the playground within the field fence line as Glen and I chatted with a few parents who sat nearby.
Lady: I think it's awesome for you both to come out and be a part of sports with the kids
Glen: Thanks. We usually get nervous taking them out together...they have a lot of energy and don't get along very well..
Lady: Well, I think it's fantastic.
Glen: It's not that big of a deal...we just both need eyes in the back of our heads to watch him.
Lady: Jackson is a good kid not to be worried about what his friends and coaches think.
Glen: What do you mean??
It was at this point when I realized that this lady assumed that Glen and I were a same sex couple.
Football practice went well and Jack, being the newly selected first-string quarterback, loitered on the field, chatting with fellow team mates and the head coach.
We wandered onto the field where we stopped and exchanged pleasantries with the coach and his staff. Midway through our conversation, the coach suggested that I enroll Lucien in the 6-year old league which was set to begin in a week...that is, until a young woman approached with the following question:
Woman: Is THAT your child over there (pointing to the playground)
Me: Yes...why?
After carefully focusing toward the playground, I noticed Scrappy, the dog, firmly tied to the base of the slide with Mardi Gras beads; bubble gum was plastered through both Lucien's hair and Scrappy's fur. I nervously laughed and politely excused myself from further football contract negotiations with the head coach.
As an added visual, Lucien was also wearing his mother's hair extensions which he'd smuggled in his pants.
As I scanned a little further to the left, I noticed Glen surreptitiously mixing a screwdriver. It was decidedly time to leave football practice and go pick up Michelle, capping a day that no one that I know would ever believe.
Upon retrieving Michelle, we caught up on the news of the day, exchanging pleasantries:
Michelle: Ugh...what a day! I'm soooo glad to be off work. How was your day?
Me: Nothin' to write home about. Pretty quiet.
Michelle: Is that bubble gum in your hair???
A simple day indeed.
copyright, Pontchartrain Press 2012
Author's Note: I like to joke around a lot in order to put a more acceptable face on serious topics...I tend to do so in a manner, unlike my father, who served salmon on the evening that he informed me that my gold fish died when I was age seven.
Or, for that matter, when the first girlfriend with whom I had sexual relations microwaved a bag of popcorn in 2-minutes at our friend's house and coyly asked if it reminded me of anything.
The truth of the matter is, it's been quite difficult to watch a young child struggle with a psychological situation that a team of therapists can't seem to identify...but they continue to diligently work hard to lead Lucien to a happier and normal place.
I would also be remiss by not admitting that there have been good days and bad days for all who have been involved on this journey.
Lucien is not mentally challenged, quite the opposite actually. I believe that he's too smart for the physical and mental faculties for a six-year old to handle...much less two unlikely babysitters.
Words can not begin to describe what it feels like to have a front row seat to witnessing the toll that his situation has taken on the person who gave birth to a beautiful child, only to be told by many specialists (and casual bystanders) that they KNOW something is wrong with her precious boy, but they just can't figure it out.
It's even more painful to witness the tears after no fewer than ten people give her the dreaded "run-down" on a daily basis as to her child's antics; be it the school bus driver, the teacher, the principal, me, Glen, Jackson, the neighbor or the team of therapists.
Then, I realize that I DON'T have a front row seat...SHE does. I can't possibly imagine how that must feel for a proud, hard working and loving mother...all of which she is.
At present, Lucien is undergoing competent and careful therapy and I'm optimistic for great success.
In the meantime, this piece is dedicated to Lu...and to the fact that I do, in fact, last longer in the sexual department than a bag of microwave popcorn!
Please cut me some slack...I was 17 for God's sake!
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Lucien and Pook...the ancient cat...just before Hurricane Isaac |